Change ftp password

Hi guys, i´m using Ubuntu 10.04 and Apache.

I want to give someone access to my ftp so he can fix some things on my site, but i want to change the password after he uses it, you know? How can i change my ftp password?


7 Replies

Your linode does not come with FTP by default; if you haven't installed it, it isn't there. How passwords are determined for FTP users is dependent on how you configured your FTP server, although most typical cases tie them to Linux user accounts.

FTP is insecure and generally frowned upon; consider using SFTP instead, which is probably already installed and working on your linode since it's bundled with OpenSSH. Just grab something like WinSCP to connect.

I can connect to ftp, i use login root and password (i guess the password i set up when i built the distribution, right?)

Maybe the solution is to change this root password under rebuild tab, can it be?

  • yes, i use SFTP

Nevermind i found it.

You can change the root password at any time from within the Linode Manager, under the Rescue tab.


Two things to note for the future:

1) FTP and SFTP are completely unrelated and work in very different ways, other than the fact that they are both protocols that transfer files (hence the similar acronyms), so it's best to avoid confusion.

2) You should probably disable root logins in your ssh config file, and not use them for SFTP (or direct SSH logins either).

Thanks Guspaz for your attention.

What do you mean by > You should probably disable root logins in your ssh config file, and not use them for SFTP (or direct SSH logins either). ?

Allowing the root user to log into your machine remotely is generally considered to be a bad thing, so there is an option in the sshd config file to prevent root from logging in via SSH. You'd log in as a regular user and then use su or sudo to get root permissions.

EDIT: Another confusing clarification, SFTP and FTPS are different too :P SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, and is the successor to SCP, while FTPS stands for FTP Secure, and is an expansion of the FTP protocol.

Your system is a Brinks truck, and it has two keys: the one that opens all the doors, and the one that opens the driver's door and starts the ignition (the valet key).

You'd be a fool (criminally so, in many jurisdictions) to hand a valet the full-access key. You'd also be a fool, but differently so, to bring the full-access key when running errands and shopping for groceries. You don't want any chance of someone going all Grand Theft Auto on you and getting at the 1500 kg of gold ingots. You also want to protect the gold from self-inflicted accidents, but I think this analogy is losing steam.

In any case, normal user account == valet key, root account == ignition + all doors + gun turret + missile silo + key to the city + everything.

(Note: if you haven't driven an armored car to the mall to do Christmas shopping yet, do it. You can park in the fire lane for hours.)


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