Bulk Email Flags

Hello Everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me - I've taken over a mailing list from someone and they have a system in place that generates EML files that are then sent out using a 3rd party provider.

This has worked well in the past (2+ years), however for some reason, we are now getting blacklisted some weeks - The emails are totally opt-in, and don't even advertise, they are based on news and events. I have an unsubscribe link on each one, and each email is totally personal to that person.

However, I think it's something to do with headers - Someone told me recently that I have to have headers set that specify the email as a mass mailing - However I cant find any information on what headers etc? Can anyone here shed some light?



1 Reply

I'm not quite the expert here, but I can say already that the people who can help will need to know the software needed to generate and send the emails. Also the configuration for the software that sends the emails (remove any passwords and such that contain private information, they won't need that, just the configuration itself is needed).


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