

I have been toying with the idea of backing up to Amazon S3 using a script, this method seems a little to complex for me to monitor so I now have an interest in the Linode backups.

How do they work? How do you restore? How often will it backup? Is it file level? Can I restore other than a Server?

Kind regards

3 Replies

> There are four backup slots: Three of the slots are executed and rotated automatically: a daily backup, a 2-7 day old backup, and an 8-14 day old backup. The fourth backup slot is a user-initiated snapshot and remains in place until another user-initiated snapshot is taken.

> The backup system operates on files, not at the block level.

You can restore through the Linode Manager. I'm not 100% sure what your last question means, but the restore process brings your disk images back as a whole, rather than per-file selection. Hope that helps!

So file level.

It will backup…





So file level.

It will backup…




It'll back up everything in your disk image, yes.


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