NHL Gamecenter Live blacked out from my VPS IP

I had thought about using my VPS as a proxy to NHL gamecenter, the only problem is, the site apparently has purposely locked out the IP block I'm in.

I'm using the NJ datacenter at 96.126.107.*, when I visit the following URL I get the NHL vault signup page, but from home I get the actual gamecenter sign up page.

wget -q -O - https://gamecenter.nhl.com/nhlgc/secure/gclsignup | grep "<title>"<e></pre></e></CODE><br /><br />You'll either get <br/><br /><br/><br />NHL Hockey Games Live Online - NHL GameCenter LIVE™<br/><br />or<br/><br />NHL Vault™ - Watch Classic Hockey Games and Replays Online<br/><br /><br/><br />I'd be interested if any of the available Linode datacenters can get the realy GameCenter as I will transfer my VPS there.<br/><br /><br/><br />Thanks to anyone willing to check this out for me.</r></title>

8 Replies

From Tokyo,

rtucker@tentacoo-wape:~$ wget -q -O - https://gamecenter.nhl.com/nhlgc/secure/gclsignup | grep "<title>"
    <title>NHL Hockey Games Live Online - NHL GameCenter LIVE™</title>

Same from home and an older IP range in Newark. Weird.

I get the same as hoopycat in Fremont

is it a useragent thing? have you tried actually tunneling your web browser through it rather then using wget?

From London:

drpks@server:~$ wget -q -O - https://gamecenter.nhl.com/nhlgc/secure/gclsignup | grep "<title>"
        <title>NHL Hockey Games Live Online - NHL GameCenter LIVE™</title>

From Newark:

$ wget -q -O - https://gamecenter.nhl.com/nhlgc/secure/gclsignup | grep "<title>"
    <title>NHL Hockey Games Live Online - NHL GameCenter LIVE™</title>


is it a useragent thing? have you tried actually tunneling your web browser through it rather then using wget?

Yes, I used an SSH tunnel, and checked my browser headers to make sure there wasn't any extra info in there either. I tried wget with a new user agent and same thing.

I had read on forums that European users were getting the same thing.

Seems that you can get the correct page with wget, like I can from home or work too. But not my VPS which is strange. Maybe I'll get an extra (or change my) IP address and see if it works from there.

From London on 109.74.204.xxx :

root@lulz~ $ wget -q -O - https://gamecenter.nhl.com/nhlgc/secure/gclsignup | grep "<title>"
        <title>NHL Hockey Games Live Online - NHL GameCenter LIVE™</title>

I have a suspicion of what happened:

I visited the site from my home computer and that site set a unique cookie on my browser.

I then set up tunneling through my VPS, visited the same site with the same cookie but they noticed the same cookie ID on a new IP within minutes and flagged my VPS IP as either a proxy or hijack what have you.

I still haven't tried a new IP on my VPS, but this time I will be more careful.

Thanks everyone for checking this out for me.


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