from the wiki refusing port
2 Replies
I've setup a custom port in my sshdconfig You should not have to modify the sshdconfig on the server where mysql is running. The purpose of the 'Securely Administer MySQL with an SSH Tunnel' library is to securely access mysql on the local interface of the server, so myslq is not accessible on a public IP.
Maybe posting your sshd_config would help us in identifying the problem.
ssh -f -L $local_ip:$local_port:$remote_ip:$remote_port $remote_user\@$remote_host -N
but you want it to run something like this:
ssh -p NONSTANDARD_PORT -f -L $local_ip:$local_port:$remote_ip:$remote_port $remote_user\@$remote_host -N
I would simply edit the script, but maybe there's also a way to set the -p option with ~/.ssh/config or an environment variable.