Requesting a stackscript for etherpad-lite

Not really certain where else to post a request for a stackscript, since I don't see any obvious relevant locations within the forum. Could someone be every so kind to make a script which installs a complete system (LAMP or LEMP or…) which also installs Node.js and EtherPad-lite? I am aware this may be a rather tedious request, but I am personally racking my head against a wall with it, and sadly the EP communities docs aren't idiot-friendly.

Installing Node.js or even EP aren't the hard part, I can do that, but I have been personally unable to configure them to run properly. And I have a LAMP stack installed which isn't really optimized for a EP app, seeing that SQLite may be more appropriate for EP, and Apache is bloat for what EP needs me thinks. Of course what do I know.

Without me sounding any dumber, I leave it to you, I would love to see a script which installs an optimized server ready to run EP, plain and simple.

Thanks for your consideration.

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