Linux kernel 2.6

I was wondering if you have done any testing with Linux Kernel 2.6? From all the reports it sounds like it will make UML even better. Any thoughts?

10 Replies


I was wondering if you have done any testing with Linux Kernel 2.6? From all the reports it sounds like it will make UML even better. Any thoughts?

What reports? I did a google search on the topic but I'm having a hard time wading through the results. Is there a page which summarizes the improvements in UML with the 2.6 kernel?


What reports? I did a google search on the topic but I'm having a hard time wading through the results. Is there a page which summarizes the improvements in UML with the 2.6 kernel?

Although they cover all changes in the 2.6 kernels, I found these an interresting read:

I can provide a 2.6 UML kernel, if you'd like to test stuff… In fact, this is on my list of "cool stuff"..



I can provide a 2.6 UML kernel, if you'd like to test stuff… In fact, this is on my list of "cool stuff"..


what else is on the list of cool stuff?

Lots of things are on my to-do list, some more "cool" than others. Here's a sample from the list:

Ability to resize down disk images, network graphs per Linode, disk i/o graphs per host so people can coordinate their cron jobs and not bog the server down during cron-time, global read-only recovery filesystem (toms boot root), the shutdown watchdog, fix up the distros to remove un-needed packages, reverse-dns control panel interface, some type of backup facility, some level of COW support…


Maybe it'd be good to post a lot of the list and have people reply with which ideas sound 'coolest' in their order of preference. At least that way every new feature will be benefitting the majority. Of course, this might not apply to backup systems where more hardware might be needed for example, but functional changes to the control panel would give good results to work on :)

Just a thought!

On which list is the central distribution of linodes?



Maybe it'd be good to post a lot of the list and have people reply with which ideas sound 'coolest' in their order of preference. At least that way every new feature will be benefitting the majority. Of course, this might not apply to backup systems where more hardware might be needed for example, but functional changes to the control panel would give good results to work on :)

Just a thought!
Good idea – I love feedback and suggestions, that is why this forum exists. The list of things that people could make suggestions on is small at this point, and I've got a pretty good feel for my own and other's expectations of those features in the queue (for now).

I will be coming around soon for some watchdog suggestions :-)




On which list is the central distribution of linodes?

Heh – that's on the "if only high-speed clustering cards/switches were inexpensive" list.


Yeah Gig-E cards are still very expensive, espically which compared to 100 meg cards etc.

It is a shame but in a couple of years they will have dropped in price, or until the next big thing comes out.

Oh well you will have to keep with the current system for now.

A colleague of mine has just signed off on an order for over 25,000 for a 20 node gig-e set-up, the price you pay, for things you need.



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