HTTPS + Load Balancer health monitoring

I'm running a service that uses both HTTP and HTTPS, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to use a Node Balancer with the HTTPS connections. When TCP is selected as the protocol, the only option for health checks is TCP handshake - because each backend node is running nginx the most common failure is actually for the site to give a 503 error, which would be a valid TCP handshake. However the HTTP balancer running on the same Node Balancer would be able to tell the backend had gone down, while HTTPS requests would be oblivious. I'd like to be able to tie the two ports together, so if the HTTP backend went down the HTTPS would re-route as well, or at the very least be able to specify a HTTP health check on port 80 for the HTTPS/443 port balancer.

It seems like this is a relatively common use case, am I missing something that solves this issue?

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