restore backup on different linode


I have a linode in Newark that I backup using Linode's backup module

Can I restore one of those backups in a linode in London; what would be the procedure?

Is it an issue if the linode in Newark is a 768 and the linode in London is a 512?

Finally, I have always wondered if a backup could be downloaded on my local machine so that I have something in case I lose complete access to Linode


9 Replies



I have a linode in Newark that I backup using Linode's backup module

Can I restore one of those backups in a linode in London; what would be the procedure?
Yes, when restoring you can choose what linode to restore to so just restore to the london one
> Is it an issue if the linode in Newark is a 768 and the linode in London is a 512?
Only if your backup is >20GB if you aren't using that much disk space then you'll be fine.
> Finally, I have always wondered if a backup could be downloaded on my local machine so that I have something in case I lose complete access to Linode

No they can't, but there other ways including running dd over ssh or taring the contents of your linode and copying that over ssh.

Yes thanks for the answer.

I upgraded my London Linode so that both are 768 linodes and the London one has enough space .

When I go to the newark backup module, I click on "restore to" and then I see my Newark linode and the ability to purchase another linode. DO I have to do something on my linode in London so that I can restore the Newark backup of my London linode?

Backups can only be restored to the same datacenter.

The quick workaround is to create a new node in Newark, restore to it, then clone it to the existing node in London. You can then nuke the temporary node.

(You can also do a similar approach to copy the backup off-site: after the restore, boot the temporary node to Finnix from the Rescue tab and use dd/rsync/whatever to pull the data down.)


Backups can only be restored to the same datacenter.

Since when? I remember during testing you could restore them to another DC :(


Since when? I remember during testing you could restore them to another DC :(
Looks like it was removed due to performance - see (which looks like it followed a similar question you had back then :-))

– David

Backups have to be within that datacenter….



Since when? I remember during testing you could restore them to another DC :(
Looks like it was removed due to performance - see (which looks like it followed a similar question you had back then :-))

– David

…there goes my memory


…there goes my memory
You'll be swapping any minute now…



…there goes my memory
You'll be swapping any minute now…
I think I've run out of swap time to kill some processes…


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