Google Apps

Hi everyone! I've set up Google Apps on my server. I'm now able to send and recieve emails but I still have some issues that I hope you can help me solve.

I'm trying to change the web address of the Google Apps wmail service to I have selected the option under the Google Apps control panel and I have also added the CNAME entry (alias mail to but still when I try to visit I get redirected to my index.html file. I've also deleted the A mail entry. I thought I needed to give the DNS some time to refresh but it's been 24 hours, should I wait any longer?

Another thing is that I want to change the default Gmail logo on the users inbox to my custom logo, I have changed the logo under the appearance option but the logo isn't appearing anywhere, am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help!

2 Replies

I just checked and the logo is showing up in Docs and Calendar but not Gmail.

I'm not sure about the logo issue, but for the URL to your webmail, you should be able to do this from the Linode Manager. Go into the DNS Manager, choose your domain, and create a CNAME record. The hostname is what you want to type in, e.g., and the alias would be the other URL, e.g.

Regarding your question about the 24 hour thing, that's the longest it should take (though some ISP's DNS's update quicker). If an ISP's DNS hiccups, it might take longer, but that shouldn't happen too often. If you want know you're going to be adjusting a certain DNS record a lot, set it's TTL (Time To Live) to a low value. This tells the DNS at the ISP's how often they can sync your DNS records. If the TTL expires before the ISP's DNS goes to sync, it will remain active on that ISP until their DNS goes to sync with Linode, and then it will grab your current records. If the TTL takes longer to expire than the ISP's DNS, however, their DNS won't grab the current record because, as far as their DNS is concerned, the one they have is still perfectly valid, even if you changed it on Linode's DNS.


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