Reverse DNS and ping


When I ping my domain name, I get the following response:

64 bytes from (96.126.XX.XX): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms

Is there any way to show my domain name instead? Vanity… :)


4 Replies

Set your domain name as the reverse dns. You can do it in the admin panel.

Linode Manager > Dashboard > Remote Access tab, to be more precise, just make sure you have a forward facing A record before you try setting RDNS.


Linode Manager > Dashboard > Remote Access tab, to be more precise, just make sure you have a forward facing A record before you try setting RDNS.

I already have RDNS set up. However, I am not sure I understand the "forward facing A record" part.


OK. I figured out what the problem was… I was pinging from my linode and I didn't have properly configure hostname and /etc/hosts.



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