What do these stats mean

One of my sites uses statcounter and while checking the stats these two lines came up:

> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/thecompanynamehere.htm

> file:///F:/ali/New%20Folder/thecompanynamehere.htm

I have changed the company name to "thecompanynamehere" for privacy.

What is this visitor doing?


3 Replies

Trying some kind of windows exploit perhaps

Is the company name your company name? Perhaps they saved your site to their desktop, and then later on opened their local version. Depending on the browser, some will bundle in all the related assets, but some will just save the html and keep all the references. My theory here is they've got a local html file and that file references your statcounter.


Is the company name your company name? -snip -

My theory here is they've got a local html file and that file references your statcounter.

Yes it is my company name and I can see why they would want to keep a reference … maybe that's it. Thanks.


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