Best Mail Setup to Just Forward Email?
However, I will be munging various subject lines.
I'm doing this so I can have email aliases setup like
Some email addresses will just forward as-is.
So…what is the best way to do this? procmail for the munging but what should I setup as far as the mail program itself?
3 Replies
.munger munger:
munger_destination_recipient_limit = 1
munger unix - n n - - pipe
flags=q user=nobody argv=/etc/postfix/redirector ${mailbox}@${nexthop} ${original_recipient}
# Redirects mail to make SPF happy.
# Ryan Tucker <>, 2010 Oct 24
# Based on
HOSTNAME=`hostname -f`
DESTINATION=`echo "$1" | sed 's/.munger$//'`
/usr/sbin/sendmail -bm -f "mail@$HOSTNAME" "$DESTINATION"
logger -i -p -t redirector "Redirecting message to $DESTINATION (orig to $2)"</>
I thought it was pretty clever: to route mail through it, just append .munger to the recipient e-mail address. You could do something similar without having to do a lot of manual configuration, if you wanted to dedicate to the job… pipes through procmail to add "#${MAILBOX}" to the subject, so
Or, search for docs on setting up postfix+procmail and someone'll probably have your use case ready to roll.