how many users my linode may serve at the same time?
I have heard that sometimes users cannot access the website because of high-load. What will be the best way to have great availability?
I mean, let's skip LinodeBalancer for now.
What tips & tricks you may advice?
1 Reply
There is no such thing as a "user"; there's just some number of simultaneous requests. For example, right now, I am "using", but I am using absolutely() no resources. When I hit "Submit"(*), I'll be hitting that thing like an old band saw for a second or so, but that's it.
See my other post yesterday
(*) OK, so there's a session cookie in a database somewhere. I'm not going to insult Linode's staff by implying this is an overwhelming burden.
(**) Assuming I don't hit Perview first, which is a valid assumtion.