advantage of multi linode ?

Just wonder what are the advantage for having multi linode instance ?

1. pool bandwidth

2. data transfer btw linode free

anything else that I miss out ?

6 Replies

4 * n cores instead of 4

You can load balance and/or setup a failover configuration for your applications.

If one instance breaks, only things that wholly depend on that instance will stop working.

Also, doing database replication with only one server isn't very fun.


doing database replication isn't very fun.



4 * n cores instead of 4

If a single physical server has 8 CPU cores, as I understand to be the case on Linode's servers, having multiple Linodes spread over multiple physical servers would make your answer substantially correct.



If a single physical server has 8 CPU cores, as I understand to be the case on Linode's servers, having multiple Linodes spread over multiple physical servers would make your answer substantially correct.

IINM, someone from staff has said that the manager does its best to spread your nodes across multiple physical servers, only putting a new linode on the same server as an existing one if it has to.


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