Bizarre forwarding issue

I previously only had one domain running on my Linode account ( which runs fine.

I've recently registered another domain, setup the virtual hosting, uploaded WordPress (which I'm also hosting there) - however I'm having a bizarre issue with the index of the site. I can visit pages within my new site, such as but if I try and visit root, it boots me straight to my domain - even if I access the index directly ( it boots me across.

Heck, I even uploaded a basic index.html document with a bit of text in hoping that would be the document root, and it STILL did it - however I access access that directly ( - although I suspect thats because its processing index.php first??

Any suggestions?

2 Replies

Here is what I'm seeing:

The default page being served for 'Host:' is index.html

The index.php for the same Host is redirecting (Status: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently) back to the root: and the default page of index.html redirects to:

Hope that helps.


Thanks - strange though, if index.html is the default, its ignoring it and still moving to the other domain.



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