Ip proxy
I live in Japan, and I want some british TV - only problem is that iPlayer etc blocks my IP address. I have used the likes of expat shield but it normally flakes out right before the winning try or goal.
At the moment I have Lamp on ubuntu lucid which is in Fremont but seeing the recent outages there and most of my users being from the UK - I'm thinking of moving it to the UK anyway.
What I want to know is, if I move the linode to the UK, I'm gathering it will have an IP address (I'm also willing for buy more if needed) how can I set up a proxy using this IP address?
Hope you can help!
11 Replies
You might be able to just use a SSH SOCKs proxy tunnel (google "ssh socks proxy tunnel" or similar) or setup squid/a http proxy on your linode.
I'm gathering i still need to move the linode to the UK to benefit from this though right?
well I have no problem from Japan to California…unless you are saying london is crap? lol
London isn't crap. What it is is a wee bit farther away from Japan than California is, and thanks to physics, that makes sending packets to it slower.
Round-trip time from Japan to London is about 250 ms, double that of Japan to Fremont, and enough that IMO typing over SSH is somewhat unpleasant.
It's not a huge thing, but I thought it was worth pointing out if you use SSH a lot.
London isn't crap. What it is is a wee bit farther away from Japan than California is, and thanks to physics, that makes sending packets to it slower.
Round-trip time from Japan to London is about 250 ms, double that of Japan to Fremont, and enough that IMO typing over SSH is somewhat unpleasant.
It's not a huge thing, but I thought it was worth pointing out if you use SSH a lot.
You expose your young age with a comment like that.
I would recommend getting a Linode in Tokyo and a Linode in London, which would allow you to use Linodes in both Tokyo and London.
That sir, is a very good idea. I was about to reply with 'there are no linodes in tokyo' and just saw the announcement - it's really good news.
I'd have to find more use out of the London linode though as I would hardly use it apart from this openVPN connection…jesus, the things we do to watch TV! I'll have to think about something creative!
Just out of random curiosity, does anyone know if I could get the iplayer on the PS3 to work with this? How could I share the VPN internet connection with the playstation? The only thing I can think of is to wirelessly share the internet from my laptop etc
So, yes, it's possible but … oh, your laptop has a connection-sharing option? That sounds much easier
Thanks for the advice, really helpful stuff!