noobie issues- phpmyadmin and FTP

Ok so this is my first attempt at setting up a server, so forgive me for what I am sure are obvious questions/mistakes.

I have setup an Ubuntu 10.04 disk image (following the tutorial) and it appears to be up and running (I get the "It works" message when visiting the public IP). I also setup ISPConfig, which is up and running. So I have my first web server up and running. Great!

Here are my questions. How do I access the site via FTP (without a domain- just the public IP)? I've set up an FTP account with the config, but I don't know where to point the FTP client to login. (I said these were noobie questions)

Also I can't figure out where to go to find phpmyadmin (which I installed as part of the ISPConfig setup).

Anyone who can help a bewildered coder with no Linux background would be a total lifesaver.

3 Replies


How do I access the site via FTP (without a domain- just the public IP)?
With either the IP address or the default found on the 'Remote Access' tab of the Linode Manager.


I've set up an FTP account with the config, but I don't know where to point the FTP client to login. (I said these were noobie questions)
Avoid FTP is possible, take a look at scp or sftp.


Also I can't figure out where to go to find phpmyadmin (which I installed as part of the ISPConfig setup).
Make sure you have phpmyadmin properly secured, otherwise it will be just a matter of time before your linode is compromised.

If you can teach yourself to get by without the control panel (ISPConfig), you'll be much better off. Checked out if you haven't already.


I don't understand… There is no "Remote Access" tag…

@tommywillb - This post is a bit old so some of the information is outdated. The "Remote Access" tab in the Linode Manager has been replaced by the "Network" tab in the Cloud Manager. There, you'll be able to find your Linode's IP address as well as the rDNS in the following format:

You can also follow one of our more recent guides if you want to start using FTP to transfer files:


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