Problem with maildrop

Hello! I have a strange problem. Everything works fine until one of my users pointed me to email problem.

Hear is the log:

Sep 13 10:55:25 devplus postfix/smtpd[19899]: warning: restriction `reject_unauth_destination' after `check_relay_domains' is ignored
Sep 13 11:03:33 devplus postfix/pipe[19968]: A9250C984: to=<>, relay=maildrop, delay=0.12, delays=0.03/0.01/0/0.07, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (user unknown. Command output: ERR: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: Permission denied Invalid user specified. )</>

I have used email guide from linode library:

~~[" target="blank">]( … -and-users">](

All tables in DataBase are ok. Folders and users are present in the system.

Need help!

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