Help! Accidental deletion of /etc/tomcat6 folder.
I accidentally deleted my /etc/tomcat6 folder and was not able to get it even after upgrading and updating with 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get upgrade'.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04. And my /etc/apt/sources.list was updated as shown in
Please tell me what to do to get back the folder and get tomcat6 installed again!
Thanks in advance,
2 Replies
you can probably get apt to bring you back the default files and config, but not anything youve customized
Linode does have a backup service (I think you need to pay for it). You can also have a script run on your linode via cron to create a tarball of your important files, then either have the script scp/rsync the tarball to another location, or retrieve it manually.