Upgrading Ubuntu

Sorry if this is a repost, I've done a quick search, but couldn't find any guides or topics about this.

Is it safe for me to do a dist-upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 from the LISH console? What issues can I expect to encounter on a linode running basic webserver services (LAMP + PureFTPd)?

5 Replies

There is a guide on this located at

http://library.linode.com/troubleshooti … 0.04-lucid">http://library.linode.com/troubleshooting/upgrade-to-ubuntu-10.04-lucid

Follow the directions there and you should be fine. Obviously, do a backup first just in case

Just for the sake of discussion… It appears Cannonical is slamming the door on anyone that isn't watching their support calendar.

6.06 LTS support ended back in June. Rather than allow the repo's to go idle, they've removed them. If you're still running 6.06LTS, it is no longer possible to follow the disto upgrade instructions, as apt-get now fails.

I'm looking at installing the upgrade .deb's off the ISO image. :oops:


Just for the sake of discussion… It appears Cannonical is slamming the door on anyone that isn't watching their support calendar.

6.06 LTS support ended back in June. Rather than allow the repo's to go idle, they've removed them. If you're still running 6.06LTS, it is no longer possible to follow the disto upgrade instructions, as apt-get now fails.

I'm looking at installing the upgrade .deb's off the ISO image. :oops:



Yea, I tried that. I ended up with one buried dependency on archive.ubuntu.com that I didn't figure out.

In the end, it was faster to deploy a fresh instance of Lucid to an empty portion of my disk allocation, and then mount the old Dapper filesystem and quickly migrate things over. Fortunately, I could accept the downtime, or I'd have never allowed it to get so out of date to begin with.


Postfix SASL AUTH seems to have changed slightly.

Apache2 now comes with "NameVirtualHost" hidden in ports.conf (I know.. has all the makings of a religious flamewar…)



There is a guide on this located at

http://library.linode.com/troubleshooti … 0.04-lucid">http://library.linode.com/troubleshooting/upgrade-to-ubuntu-10.04-lucid

Follow the directions there and you should be fine. Obviously, do a backup first just in case

That guide is incorrect for LTS to LTS releases; you should be setting Prompt=lts, not Prompt=normal.


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