Kernels changelog.

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since many time now, what about adding a changelog every time you release a new kernel?

3 Replies

There are already numerous Linux kernel "changelogs" out there, depending on what you're looking for. Unfortunately, the "official" repositories of are down at this time, but the most official log of changes currently available would be

Next best source of official changes is the Linux Kernel Mailing List. Release announcements, like the one linked there, enumerate who worked on the release and what they did. (Note that you'd need to look at 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, and 3.0.4 to find the differences between 3.0.0 and 3.0.4).

Others include, which has a weekly briefing on the state of the world, including kernel development. has human-readable summaries of what has changed in each major release, as well.

Now, if you mean a changelog specifically for what has changed in Linode's kernel stuff… it's already there. See the element.


Now, if you mean a changelog specifically for what has changed in Linode's kernel stuff… it's already there. See the element.

Can't find it, where it is?

In the RSS feed itself, it is[].description. On itself, it is the paragraph you get below each kernel's label and date.


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