Choosing cms to work with nginx

I'm building a site that requires cms. I just switched over to using nginx instead of apache 2.2, and love the lower memory requirements and zippy static serve times.

I'd hate to choose a cms like wordpress and have all of my memory/speed savings fly out the windows because of bad code that isn't optimized to use the database well. (random example, not judging WP)

Any recommendations for a well performing cms system using nginx? I'm using php-fpm atm but willing to try new languages and database systems. Worse that can happen is I have another blurb to add to my resume :D

As always I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere. I swear I did research before asking! Most of the articles I found were about installing nginx with X piece of software, but very little discussion about choosing things that work well with nginx.

11 Replies



ducks and runs

If my clients could use vim what would they need me for?



ducks and runs

vim + reStructuredText

ducks and runs too




ducks and runs
vim + reStructuredText

ducks and runs too
Weaklings. Real men use ed to manage their sites.

More seriously…

Since nginx is extremely good at serving static files, a static site generator like Jekyll (Ruby) and Hyde (Python) might be a good fit. But not all sites would benefit from such an approach. It all depends on what kind of interactive functionality you require.

By the way, good ol' WordPress with the Super Cache plugin (which generates static files) works pretty well, as long as you get the rewrite rules right.


WordPress with the Super Cache plugin (which generates static files) works pretty well

Thanks, I'll give that a try.

I'm a big fan of Drupal. I have that working well with nginx via php-fastcgi.

I never used Wordpress, so I can't offer a comparison. Another one is Joomla (I never used that one either).

I've used cakephp with croogo, and wordpress before. So I'll stick with what I know if there isn't one that stands out as the best to work with nginx.

php-fastcgi + nginx seems to load all the php stuff I throw at it, so I don't think there's one that works best.

I do suggest trying Drupal and Joomla on a test site (or under or something similar) to see if you like them. You can always remove them if you don't :) Just pick the one you like the most and stick with it. I might try Joomla and Wordpress soon. I did try Wordpress awhile back; from what I remember, I like Drupal better, but I'll have to give it another go to be sure.

It's not a performance champ but I've recently fallen in love with concrete5:

It's based on the zend framework and is exceptionally well coded. All available addons are reviewed for quality before being allowed to be displayed. It's a breeze to use and as powerful as anything short of an actual MVC framework.

A lot of the best addons and themes are commercial though. The result is that they are both high quality and kinda pricey.

@Velvet Elvis:

It's not a performance champ but I've recently fallen in love with concrete5:

It's based on the zend framework and is exceptionally well coded. All available addons are reviewed for quality before being allowed to be displayed. It's a breeze to use and as powerful as anything short of an actual MVC framework.

A lot of the best addons and themes are commercial though. The result is that they are both high quality and kinda pricey.

+1 for Concret5,

I use it on my personal site and it is so easy to use and isn't to heavy.(atleast its not on my setup)

@Velvet Elvis:

It's not a performance champ but I've recently fallen in love with concrete5:

It's based on the zend framework and is exceptionally well coded. All available addons are reviewed for quality before being allowed to be displayed. It's a breeze to use and as powerful as anything short of an actual MVC framework.

A lot of the best addons and themes are commercial though. The result is that they are both high quality and kinda pricey.

+1 Concrete 5, amazing performance, once you try it, never gonna leave it. 8)


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