Linode DNS Manager or Cpanel help

Hi guys,

I'm looking for some advice on how to best manage DNS setting on a centos5.6 - cpanel install.

Currently I have cpanel installed using the install instructions in the Linode library and it seems to be working well.

My concern is that I have BIND enabled on WHM and I also have to use the Linode DNS Manager to insert all the DNS Zones. Is that bad?

I did try it with no Nameserver on WHM but the Linode DNS Manager would just point every domain to the root cpanel site. I would be happy just using the Linode DNS Manager if I could get it to point to different accounts… am I missing something?

I have also looked at the Ruby script that plugs into the Cpanel and Linode API but after installing it seems un-affective, doubtless I have done something wrong.

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated as I really like Linode.

Many thanks in advance,


9 Replies

DNS just points names at IP addresses, without any knowledge of accounts (or HTTP, or anything www-related). To your web server, there's no operational difference whether you're using cPanel's DNS and running your own set of redundant nameservers vs. using Linode's DNS… you can replicate the same effect without using DNS by connecting to port 80 of the IP address and "faking" a valid HTTP request.

So, if it isn't working with the zones added to the Linode DNS Manager, it probably wouldn't be working with cPanel's DNS system either. You might want to contact cPanel/WHM support to ensure the web server is configured correctly.

OK I think I understand that.

So at the minute if i go to the Linode DNS Manager points it to the server's IP. I'm guessing after that cpanel redirects it to the actual root for that account.

I guess my question is - Can I just switch off BIND (all nameservers) on WHM and simply use the Linode DNS Manager?

I am considering dumping cpanel as it maybe overkill for this… it's just a little scary. Just want this to be setup and easy to manage.

Get rid of bind if you are fine with linode's DNS service.

Bind is a security risk, don't run it unless you genuinely need it.

You could disable bind on your cPanel server, but then your clients would have no way to add subdomains, addon/parked domains, etc. (provided this is going to be used for client hosting)

You could go the other route and set up your own nameservers at your registrar and add the appropriate A entries in your WHM > DNS Functions > Edit DNS Zone in the zone file for your main domain.


You could disable bind on your cPanel server, but then your clients would have no way to add subdomains, addon/parked domains, etc. (provided this is going to be used for client hosting)

You could go the other route and set up your own nameservers at your registrar and add the appropriate A entries in your WHM > DNS Functions > Edit DNS Zone in the zone file for your main domain.

To be more precise: they will be able to add subdomains, etc. if you add a * A record. But they won't be able to add parked domains (unless you want to hack cPanel to use the Linode API).

Also note that you will need at least two DNS servers, preferably in different locations, to operate your own authoritative nameservers. If you weren't planning on otherwise having multiple Linodes, it can be annoying.

Thank you for your help and advice!

I persisted with Syncing cPanel DNS zones with Linode DNS and managed to get to work. I know there are some issues with this but I think it will work well for my needs. I can also adapt it in future to fit my needs.

Ha, I saw activity on that thread and was about to excitedly mention it in this thread… turns out you're the one who found it :-)


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