Convert Drupal-6.22 to Mercury/Pressflow - fatal PHP errors
Then I imported my /sites/default/files, sites/all/modules, sites/all/themes, sites/all/libraries, and DB from an existing D6.22 site.
Now I just get Varnish 500 error pages, and the logs show fatal PHP errors like this one:
Call to undefined function features_include_defaults() in /var/www/sites/all/modules/custom_formatters/custom_formatters.module on line 281.
But if I substitute my old /modules, and /includes directories and files, the site works.
I wasn't using the custom-formatters module so I just deleted it, but then the same error just moved to the Rules module, which I do use.
Call to undefined function rules_include() in /var/www/sites/all/modules/rules/rules_admin/
All module directories and files in sites/all/modules appear to be normal. At first I assumed it was a file ownership/permissions error, but I checked that and set the site perms per usual. It's probably something stupid I'm overlooking.
Seems Pressflow isn't always a drop-in replacement for D6. To complicate matters, Mercury (and it's components like Pressflow) isn't exactly a community effort so there's no place for centralized support.
Any ideas what might be wrong?
3 Replies
Reading your post, gives me second thoughts.
Did you find a solution to this?
Is this a stackscript specific problem, or this is a Mercury problem?