Mount vmdk on Linode

I'm trying to mount a vmdk file on a linode. I've used the vmware-mount utility on my personal Ubuntu box, but I can't seem to get it installed on the linode. It looks like I have to install vmware completely and that's not working. Any ideas on how to mount a vmdk on a linode or how to install vmware server on linode (or at least the part needed to get vmware-mount running)?

I don't want to convert the vmdk file to a different format because I'm going to be copying the file, mounting it, modifying some files on it, unmounting it, and sending out the modified vmdk to a user with vmware. So it has to stay in the vmdk format.

3 Replies

Can you not modify the file at home? Why does it need to be modified on your linode?

If you must, and the files are flat, perhaps this will work: … nderlinux/">

The modifications are unique to each person and I'd rather have an automated system that can make the modifications instead of doing it all by myself.

And yes, I've already looked at that page. My image won't work for that.

I just figured out my issue. My personal box is 64 while the linode is 32. Once I got the correct vmware server type, just copying vmware-mount to the linode works perfectly.


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