We have Production release with Linode soon. Need advices

Hi Guys,

Basically we have serious project (country level) and we see that Linode may satisfy all our needs for this.

That's why we won't buy our own dedicated server.


After months of testing, I'm still in doubt what will we do if our server in Hurricane Electrics will be shut down because of, for example, power outage. We want stability grantee.

Very skeptical to use NodeBalancer and to setup 2 servers, because it looks like database replication may be a problem.

What will be your advice? We have classical 3-tire application.

2 Replies

also submitted my proposition to down the risk


If you're worried about the DC breaking then you'll want to investigate cross data centre failover, how you do it depends on your app, at a basic level you'll need DNS round robin with monitoring that can remove/add DNS records when a failure happens, file and database replication, maintain session handling between sites.


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