Two quickie questions

I have two quickie questions before signing up.

The first is: Is 64 megs of memory enough to run a MySQL server from? I don't use MySQL to do dynamic site, just to run MovableType which uses a MySQL database (Or can) to maintain a DB of all the entries, and whatnot.

Secondly, what's the diff between the Redhat 9 Small, and Large Distro? What's in the Large that's not in the small?

2 Replies


Secondly, what's the diff between the Redhat 9 Small, and Large Distro? What's in the Large that's not in the small?

Chris -

I had the same type question when I first started looking at distros… It might be helpful to have the output of "rpm -a | sort" to browse before selecting a distro.


I have two quickie questions before signing up.

The first is: Is 64 megs of memory enough to run a MySQL server from? I don't use MySQL to do dynamic site, just to run MovableType which uses a MySQL database (Or can) to maintain a DB of all the entries, and whatnot.
These are hard types of questions to answer because they depend on what else is going on the virtual server. But, generally MySQL's requirements are very low. For example, the entire database server that runs and the forums only occupies 11M! You can configure MySQL to use as much/little RAM as you need. The other benefit from more/extra RAM is cached disk reads, which can help performance.

I think the answer to your question is a definate Yes.


Secondly, what's the diff between the Redhat 9 Small, and Large Distro? What's in the Large that's not in the small?
The RH Large distro was pretty much a "full install" off the RH CD-ROMs. It contains all sorts of junk, literally. All sorts of GUI packages, most/all of the dev packages, and probably a bunch of stuff no one will ever use.

I do need to generate a list of RPMs installed on both and post them someplace.



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