Setting the FQDN in I missing something?

hey all. i'm following the "Set up a LEMP Server on Arch Linux" howto, and there's something that doesn't sit particularly well with me regarding the hostname…i've followed the directions for setting up the hostname, as well as my DNS and some other basic configuration, and everything appears to be working ( i can ping in, i can ping out, whois points to my vps ip, i'm getting into my server via ssh with both my ip addy and my domain name, etc.), with the exception of one quibble: in the guide, it says (following the "Set the Hostname" section) that,

(regarding the commands "hostname" and "hostname -f")

"The first command should show your short hostname, and the second should show your fully qualified domain name (FQDN)."

and indeed, when i type "hostname", my server responds with "[myhostname]". however, when i type "hostname -f", i get "localhost.localdomain".

the contents of /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost [myhostname] [myhostname].[mydomainname].net [myhostname]

i'm having a hard time figuring out where to start looking for my mistakes, whatever they may be. any thoughts?

2 Replies

Try removing "[myhostname]" from the line. That's not normal, and I wonder if it could be causing this problem.

By the way, if truly is your IP, its reverse DNS entry is "". You should change it to "[myhostname]".

HA! yeah, that did it. thanks much!


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