apache2 default page redirecting to some other place
I just realized that when I go to (using http, my linode), it redirects to ai5hf.org, though I never told it to. However, when I go to something like mtprox.org (which I recently disabled), it goes to the default page. I can't find anywhere in /etc/apache2/sites-available that lists except for 000-default, which apparently is my default page one.
Any help is appreciated.
2 Replies
IRCread the logs
1. Clean out your DNS records. They are, to put it lightly, crazy. Nuke from orbit, rebuild with care.
2. Rebuild your linode, minus the ehcp junk, because at the moment, you have basically every port imaginable open. Again, nuke from orbit, rebuild with care.
Either use the linode library to help with this, or pop into IRC and shout out, because you have far too many security holes to fix in the span of a forum post.