apache2 vhosts problem

i get the following error:

[Wed Sep 17 13:49:15 2003] [error] VirtualHost default:443 – mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results

however, I cannot figure out where this is coming from. I don't have any virtual hosts setup with port 443. Is apache loading this from some other conf file? BTW, i am running the small Redhat 9 image

5 Replies

As I posted the question I thought of the answer. There is an ssl.conf file that get executed, it is the one that has a VHost definition. Any suggestions on what I should do?

You will have to post your conf files for more help.


i am not going to worry about ssl for now, so I just renamed the ssl.conf file to a temporary name. This solved my problem


Instead of renaming the file, it is better to comment out the call to the ssl.conf file from the main config file.


I had the same vhosts problem. As you surmised, it comes from the SSL configuration file. Renaming that file is a fine way of fixing the problem – it's called from a line in the main httpd.conf that just loads all *.conf files in a directory. There's no specific call to the ssl configuration file.

If you want to leave SSL working (at least I think it's working -- don't need it so haven't checked yet) you can edit the virtualhosts line in the ssl.conf file so that it just has an * instead of the default line or a port number. According to my reading of the docs, since there's a listen 443 statement above the virtualhost, virtualhost will pick the port 443 from there and not the main listen 80. (Picks it from the closest "listen" statement.)

Am I smoking crack, or does this make sense? I'm new at this.


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