Help with Figuring Out a Max Clients Formula

This page in the wordpress codex … tion_Guide">

recommends the following formula for determining what to set Max Clients as in Apache.

(Server Total RAM - (RAM used by OS + RAM used by other running Apps) / RSS Size of Apache Binary)

I'm hoping someone will help me with the commands I need to run to figure out the variables. How do I figure out "RAM used by OS + RAM used by other running Apps?"

I'm on a 512 little Linode, and I'm trying to configure for super speedy page views rather than tons of traffic.

Thanks :-)

2 Replies

whoops I just realized there is a separate forum for performance and tuning, and that this should be there. But I couldn't see any option to be able to move the question over or delete and repost.

If a moderator sees this, could you please move it over. Sorry for the error. :-)

There really should be a sticky post about MaxClients. (Lengthy discussion here)

WordPress typically uses 20-30MB of RAM, and more if you have lots of heavy plugins. Image processing plugins are the worst.

I'd recommend that you start with a MaxClients value of 15-20, and watch your memory usage for a few days. If you consistently approach 512MB total, you might want to reduce it a bit. Cut that more if you regularly deal with large images.


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