Annual payment = double disk space or 50% more?

The blurb on the main linode page says "pay annually and get double the disk space", but when you you go to pay annually, it only list a 50% increase in disk space. I assume this has something to do with the recent increase in disk space on each plan. So which is correct?

If you have a Linode 64 and pay annually, do you get 3GB or 4GB?

6 Replies

I think that it is 1 GB free.

I think it should be double.

So 4 gig, for the linode 64.

Probably just something that was forgotten about when the disk space was increased.

I believe chris did post something about the disk space for the annual payments.



I think that it is 1 GB free.

No, it's 2 GB free (double disk space). That's what I got when I went to annual payments.



I think that it is 1 GB free.

No, it's 2 GB free (double disk space). That's what I got when I went to annual payments.

Just to be clear, 2 GB free was for a Linode64.

It says "Linode 64 & 1 GB disk FREE - ($239.40/year)"

When disk space was doubled on all packages, the "double disk space free" changed to "1 GB disk free".

The graphic on the home page was never updated when I doubled everyone's disk space, so it is incorrect. This is my fault – wasn't trying to mislead anyone. I've updated the graphic.

The Linode 64 annual package comes with 3GB total disk space. That's a 20% discount if you paid for a Linode 64 w/ 1 GB of extra disk space. The same ratio applies to the other plans as well.

Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss this further.




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