Want to see what the Fremont datacenter looks like?

I'm one of the poor unfortunate souls still left on the Fremont datacenter (aka FremontFail). This is the Linode hosting location that is really the Hurricane Electric datacenter…

Since there has been a lot of discussion lately about the reliability of that facility, I found it really quite interesting to come across a video of it when I was surfing the interwebs this morning.

Check out this video. About a minute into it, you'll see a couple panning shots of the Fremont datacenter. The rest of the video is interesting in itself, but Fremont doesn't show up again, so you can skip the rest of it if you like.


In any case, I thought it was kind of fascinating to see it in the flesh. A lot more…basic…than other datacenters I've been in.




9 Replies

Just some horrendously tedious video of people talking about the semantic web. You linked the wrong video.

Bloody hell you watch some dull stuff… my room was full of tumbleweed by the time I had skipped through it.

Actually the panning starts at 00:29. Looks kinda bland. :)


Just some horrendously tedious video of people talking about the semantic web. You linked the wrong video.

Bloody hell you watch some dull stuff… my room was full of tumbleweed by the time I had skipped through it.

Oh good gawd. I have to hand-hold you through it? Sheesh.

The panning of the datacenter starts at 0:21 and goes through 0:49. I didn't think watching through the first twenty seconds would bore anyone to death, but I guess I was wrong…




I thought this was more than enough explanation:


Check out this video. About a minute into it, you'll see a couple panning shots of the Fremont datacenter. The rest of the video is interesting in itself, but Fremont doesn't show up again, so you can skip the rest of it if you like.

I enjoyed seeing a glimpse of HE and their hardware, and I also enjoyed the remaining video, and I can think of at least one other who will enjoy the video if he hasn't already seen it. So thank you Bruce. :)

HE has two different datacenters in Fremont. Any reason to believe this is the one Linode uses (Fremont I)?

I doubt these are photos of Fmt1. The power is on.


I must have missed the bit about the server whilst gnawing my own arms off ;)

Now I must admit, watching the data centre is awesome. The rest put me to sleep.

Sorry I missed ti first time :)


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