[SOLVED] Godaddy nameserver check failed


I have set the nameservers for my domain on godaddy as ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com and ns4.linode.com. However godaddy returns an error that the namesever check failed:

'the nameserver list doesn't match the give one: The give nameserver list (ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com, ns4.linode.com) is not consistent with the one retrieved from the zone (ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com, ns4.linode.com, ns5.linode.com'.

This seems to imply that godaddy also wants ns5.linode.com listed as a nameserver but there is only room for 4.

The site is listed on my domain zone in linode's dns manager and it also has the nameservers (ns1-ns5) pointed to it under the NS Records heading.

Am I missing anything??

5 Replies



I have set the nameservers for my domain on godaddy as ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com and ns4.linode.com. However godaddy returns an error that the namesever check failed:

'the nameserver list doesn't match the give one: The give nameserver list (ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com, ns4.linode.com) is not consistent with the one retrieved from the zone (ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com, ns4.linode.com, ns5.linode.com'.

This seems to imply that godaddy also wants ns5.linode.com listed as a nameserver but there is only room for 4.

The site is listed on my domain zone in linode's dns manager and it also has the nameservers (ns1-ns5) pointed to it under the NS Records heading.

Am I missing anything??

Sounds like an oversight on Godaddy's part. The way they have designed their validation appears to make it impossible to have more than 4 NS records in your zone.


there is only room for 4
GoDaddy's user interface isn't as clear as it could be, but it's supported. Click Add more and you'll get 13 slots, which is the registry maximum (at least for the common gTLDs).

thanks, works perfect!

Interesting, I don't have that issue with godaddy and I only list 4 with them but my zone files show the 5th.


Interesting, I don't have that issue with godaddy and I only list 4 with them but my zone files show the 5th.
When did you register your domain with GoDaddy, then? Or rather, when did you last change your nameservers with them? (Moving your DNS to Linode.)

If it was prior to Linode opening their 5th datacenter location in London (and so, adding a 5th nameserver to their zone list) back in December 2009, then a zone check would only reveal 4 nameservers.


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