Which registrar

I just setup my brand new Linode and everything works like a charm. I installed Apache and stuff and already managed to route one of my domains to one of the virtual hosts for testing (by changing the DNS records)

My question is this: since I host my sites on my own Linode I only need a registrar and no additional hosting. I just need to be sure that te registrar allows me to edit the DNS info.

Which one do you recommend?

2 Replies

For what it's worth, you can use Linode's rather awesome DNS hosting service if you want to. You'd still need a registrar, of course, but you'd delegate the domain to Linode's nameservers and manage DNS through Linode. Or don't use it; whatever. But if you do, it removes DNS hosting as a factor when considering registrars.

Linode doesn't have an officially-recommended registrar. Go Daddy is the most popular – and, of course, most-hated -- in the world. Aside from that, 'round here, I'd say people use Namecheap, Name.com and NearlyFreeSpeech.net (which is really a web host).

Of course, what registrar is best also depends on what TLDs you're interested in.

There are also several other threads on this subject around here.

Probably the most extensive forum discussion: Who's a good domain registrar?

Every registrar will allow you to set the authoritative nameservers, which is all you need from them to use Linode's DNS. Of course, you could choose to use your registrar's DNS if they offer it (or someone else's entirely, for that matter).

Edit: to use Linode's DNS, at your registrar you would designate at least two of ns1.linode.com, ns2.linode.com, ns3.linode.com, ns4.linode.com, and ns5.linode.com as nameservers.


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