8/16 1pm HST - Fremont Power Outage

8/16 1pm HST -

Power outage

We're seeing multiple servers in our cluster down.

All on different physical nodes

  • http://status.linode.com/2011/08/partia … emont.html">http://status.linode.com/2011/08/partial-outage-in-fremont.html

12 Replies

Ok, it's not just me then, I just posted in the Fremont down thread from Sunday (or whenever the last outage was).



my node is up.

SOME of our nodes are up, but we have (2) virtuals for load balancing and and both are down.

trying to restore to a new linode that might be accessible

http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/img/7 … 01122544AM">http://www.webpagescreenshot.info/img/726658-817201122544AM

any update ? we've created a new linode, and gone to backup - still no luck, is all of Freemont going down?

Fremont has a power outage:

  • http://status.linode.com/2011/08/partia … emont.html">http://status.linode.com/2011/08/partial-outage-in-fremont.html

My nodes seem to be up however local DNS servers are inaccessible.

After a 'service http graceful' I got:

httpd: aprsockaddrinfo_get() failed for mydomain.com

httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Then trying to dig anything yields a timeout. Also can't ping either DNS server listed in my resolv.conf. ( and

Staying with Fremont 'til it becomes stable or die trying

We're losing about 25% of packets.

That's 10gigabitethernet1-1.core1.fmt1.he.net

Any press release from he.net ? Or we just out of luck?


any RFO for the outage?

Fremont is still my preferred DC (hosting for AU clients) but I do have clients that are asking for a 'please explain'.

The silence from Linode is deafening - surely they have some leverage with HE to push for an RFO?


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