Modified Kernel


I know Linode is using modified kernels. I had some trouble while i was trying to install PIAF (pbx in a flash) on the top of an existing CentOS (using a script because the default install option is to boot from a CD which also installs CentOS).

If i use finnix, my mode will be out of default support with standard kernel. Not sure but i might read Rackspace is using standard kernels, is this true?



1 Reply

Linode's kernels aren't modified; you can reproduce them using the mainline kernel source and the configuration file from /proc/config.gz, plus a quick edit to config.h to stick -linodeXX into the kernel version. Rackspace Cloud's kernels are also (probably) not modified and could be reproduced similarly. However, since they have no mechanism by which to boot arbitrary kernels, I haven't tried.

Of course, neither provide the kernel your distribution shipped with; they're often compiled with a particular configuration or modified to fit the distribution's needs. If you need to run such a nonstandard kernel ;-), see this document.


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