Easiest way to forward mail

I just want an easy way to forward mail to other email addresses. I tried setting up Postfix using the linode instructions, but am having issues. Is there an easier way?

3 Replies


I just want an easy way to forward mail to other email addresses. I tried setting up Postfix using the linode instructions, but am having issues. Is there an easier way?

The details matter, it's not clear what you are trying to do.

If you want to handle mail you need a MTA ( mail transfer agent ) like sendmail, qmail, exim, or postfix. Postfix is maybe the easiest of these but it's still pretty complex. You should read the o'reilly book at http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596002121 which you can buy as a DRM free download.

Or you can outsource the whole thing to google if you don't mind them going though your personal stuff and feeding you adverts based on it.

Many domain registrars also offer an e-mail forwarding service. Typically this is set up through their web control panel.


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