Moving from Slicehost

Hi Linoders

I have decided (a year too late) to leave Slicehost and have settled on Linode. I want to know if anybody has suggestions for migrating my DNS records from SH?

I have about 150 records and would hate to do it all manually, only to realise I could've dumped the zone files and batch edited the IP's.


4 Replies


Hi Linoders

I have decided (a year too late) to leave Slicehost and have settled on Linode. I want to know if anybody has suggestions for migrating my DNS records from SH?

I have about 150 records and would hate to do it all manually, only to realise I could've dumped the zone files and batch edited the IP's.


You may want to check out the slicedns2linode link at

That looks great! Thanks so much.


suggestions for migrating my DNS records from SH?
You might also check out: … cript.html">



I used slicedns2linode to migrate my DNS settings from Slicehost to Linode just 2 days ago. Went smoothly except for one "oversight", the DNS entries created on Linode still had the Slicehost IP address assigned. So I had to manually edit each record to change the IP addresses to my new Linode one.


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