Running Asterisks / installing tuning

I am following the doc in the library about installing Asterisks. The doc makes references to version 9 of Linux yet the current distribution is version 10. Can I go ahead and use the current version?

4 Replies

If there was a linode stack script for Asterisk would you be interest in running it?

in the last month, we've put up 60+ PBXs using our stack script and are considering making it public.

Hi Alohatone, yes I'd be interested if you're still willing to share it.



If there was a linode stack script for Asterisk would you be interest in running it?

in the last month, we've put up 60+ PBXs using our stack script and are considering making it public.

I'd be interested as well, I am getting ready to setup a new asterisk instance on a new linode.

We will be posting a stack script today.


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