Pinging server

First time setting this up, so be patient with me. :)

I installed slackware small and I have few questions.

Shouldn't I be able to ping my server?

Does apache and mysql start automatically or do I need to start them manually?

Do I need to open and close any ports from default install?



3 Replies

Linode Staff

Hey Dwight,

I'm able to ping your IP.

I can't recall if apache and mysql start; I think apache does. Boot your Linode, log in and see if httpd and mysqld are running (with ps aux").

You shouldn't need to close any ports; the only thing that should run by default is ssh and maybe apache (depending on distro).

Hope that helps!


Great I can't ping from dls connection, but I can from and other sites.

Linode Staff

Also, ECN might not be supported somewhere in the routes between your Linode and DSL connection. You can disable ECN by running

echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn

from your Linode, or from within an rc.local startup script.



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