cacti memory monitor...
I'm using Cacti to monitor my VPS.
All seems to work great, except for the fail2ban monitoring and I think the memory monitor.
See this:
free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 424 324 100 0 20 182
-/+ buffers/cache: 121 303
Swap: 255 27 228
The free -m command is showing my average situation on my VPS.
This is the value reported from cacti from all memory monitors I have.
Why this graphs is completely different from what free -m command shows?
I'm interested in the free memory available, 303MB from free -m, why I can't read this value in no graphs?
2 Replies
Your graphs do show it, your cache graph shows where it's going.
I know how RAM works under linux but there is no graph that show me the ram quantity I can count on.
I solved using the linux usage ndp, now I need a graph for iptables /banned ips…
Cacti is really more good looking than Munin but it is really more fragmented and less efficient since there are too few templates.
Not really satisfied.