Mail list application without mailserver?


I need to set up mailing list for our floorball team. So the list must be closed.

Anybody knows of any free service that I can use? If there none, could anybody recommend what application I can install on my linode. I don't have any mailer installed and I do not want to install one.

Can I use let's say mail man with gmail as smtp?

Thank you


3 Replies

Google Groups would be the obvious first choice. Is this an announcement-only (one-way) thing, or something more interactive?

To run Mailman, you will need to set up a mail server. How simple or complicated it is doesn't matter: it just needs to work for receiving and sending mail.


Google Groups would be the obvious first choice. Is this an announcement-only (one-way) thing, or something more interactive?
What I want actually is something like mail alias. So if somebody wants to send an email to the group is used. There is not need to be able to reply to this email. Reply all is good enough.

But I want

  • this group to be private/closed

  • members can manage their memebership

  • admin can add users

  • can create subgroups

Can I do something like that using Google Groups?


To run Mailman, you will need to set up a mail server. How simple or complicated it is doesn't matter: it just needs to work for receiving and sending mail.

I found this interesting post … 59317.html">

Google Groups can do that (with the possible exception of "subgroups", which I'm not familiar with as a feature)… from, click on "Create a group…" and pick "Restricted" for the access level.

That post on the mailman-users list pretty much sums up the situation. You need some way to get e-mails from people to Mailman, and some way to get e-mails from Mailman to people. No real way to do that short of setting up a mail server.


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