[Resolved] Choosing Datacenters

I appear to have been too hasty I apologize. Google directed me to Getting Started, which appears to explain.

I can't seem to find information on this. I would like to sign up however I don't see any way to request which datacenter I would like to be placed on.

How exactly does that process work?

Thank you!

3 Replies


I appear to have been too hasty I apologize. Google directed me to Getting Started, which appears to explain.

I can't seem to find information on this. I would like to sign up however I don't see any way to request which datacenter I would like to be placed on.

How exactly does that process work?

Thank you!

You get prompted during the process. You choose your size, then your datacenter.


You get prompted during the process. You choose your size, then your datacenter.

Thank you for the reply glg. I had googled and found my answer though, I'm not sure why I didn't run into it before then. I might just be dumb or something, heh.

Thanks again!


I had googled and found my answer though, I'm not sure why I didn't run into it before then.

Aha, I didn't parse your edit I guess. Thought maybe you'd answered some other question via goog :)


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