Storage maxed out, but I haven't put anything on the node

I'm seeing in my console that my storage is completely maxed. I have the lowest tier plan with 20 gigs storage, less than a month old.

I don't recall how much storage the stock instance (Ubuntu 10.1) takes up, but I haven't put much of anything on the server yet. I installed some necessary libraries (GCC, etc), and some small apps like mongodb and redis, nodejs and related stuff, all of which wouldn't amount to half a gig. I have only run web servers for a few small tests, on and off, nothing live, no content.

Is this normal? Am I presuming too much? Is there a way, a program of some kind, for me to get a view of storage usage by block?

3 Replies

Do you mean that the online Linode Manager says that you've allocated 100% of your disk space?

That just means that linode gives you X total space, and you have created disk images totaling to 100% of X. It does not have anything to do with the actual space usage within those disk images.

Log into your server via SSH and type

df -h

That's going to tell you how much disk usage you're actually using.

thanks for the quickies ya'll. first post you are correct. I had got a warning for CPU usage, went to the console, saw the other thing about storage and thought the whole thing was bloating from some out of control process.

df -h says I am only using 10%. 8)


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