Lish shell backspace and tab not working

Is there a way to get the backspace key and tab/ctrl/etc. to work in the Lish ajax shell? I can't live without tab complete and a way to fix my typos!

Thank you,


3 Replies

The real solution is using LISH over ssh rather than ajax. The ajaxterm is funky at best, broken at worst.

If you're using Chrome, be aware that ajaxterm doesn't work right with Chrome. IE seems to work well, as does Firefox.


If you're using Chrome, be aware that ajaxterm doesn't work right with Chrome. IE seems to work well, as does Firefox.

I suppose it's all relative, but I would agree with akerl; even in the browsers where it works "well" it's still quirky.

SSH really is the way to go for reliable use of Lish.


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