Website won't work...

Ok first time setting up my website.

I was with hostgator before that provided cPanel and i "believe" they used CentOS.

Now that i have moved to a different host, unmanaged, i installed copy of ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bit.

the website is

I have to put files under /var/www. So i put all the files there, including index.html (a file of joomla), but if you see the website yourself, it shows up blank page with some weird stuff.

Is there something i did wrong or missing?

3 Replies

Delete index.html. That file is Apache's default placeholder, and not part of your website. (Or better yet, move the site to another directory outside of /var/www where there aren't any placeholder files, and create a "virtual host" so that Apache knows where to look. But this is optional for now.)

Your site is at which is Joomla's real home page. At this time, it displays a database connection error, probably because your old database name and password don't work on your new server. If you delete index.html, index.php should automatically take over. If it doesn't, Google "DirectoryIndex".


Oi installed copy of ubuntu 10.04 LTS 32 bit.
Did you also install the rest of the LAMP stack?

PHP, MySQL, Apache2?

Setup MySql?

Install Joomla?

Then copy your Website files and database from your old host?

i got it fixed by just doing everything over again. it was too frustrating for me..


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