Redirect web adress to a port.

I have setup an OpenERP server among other things on my linode, to access it, I would like to use a custom web adress ie:

I would like that this adress points to my server ip on port 8080 ie: or

I have a Lamp set up, How can I do this ?

5 Replies

Here's one way…

Make this your index.html page for and it will redirect to your server:port address

<title> Redirect Page</title>

Auto Redirect to ERP Page.


Here's one way…

Make this your index.html page for and it will redirect to your server:port address

<title> Redirect Page</title>

Auto Redirect to ERP Page.

This could work, well I think, only that is a sub adress if you would like of the, does it still work the same way ?

Do I have to set it in a special way like a named-based virtual host ???

else I could make it to be a button (link) on the web page once it will be up.

I had Godaddy has DNS for this domain prior to getting this Linode and I could point it directly (thru forwarding) from to my server IP : port 8080.

What do they have different that we dont ?

I'd look into Apache ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.


I'd look into Apache ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.

Thanx I will look into it !


I'd look into Apache ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse.

Thanx, did exactly what I needed :-)


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