phpMyAdmin 3 doesn't let me hide the information_schema

As title…

I'm running phpMyAdmin with CentOS 6, package downloaded from Remi repos.

I always be able to hide the information_schema and mysql database by editing the file and add this lines into it:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hidedb'] ="mysql|informationschema";

Now, doing this does not work.

Can you help me please?

4 Replies

Works for me. Are you sure it's not commented out or overridden by another line? Are you using APC with apc.stat off by any chance?

By the way, please remember that hiding databases like that won't stop a curious client from snooping around. It only hides information_schema from the menu, and doesn't prevent manually pointing your browser to it.

no apc.

I know what the hidedb does and I want to simply hide this db from my phpmyadmin.

Is there someone who have an idea on why this command doesn't hide the information_schema?

I'm quite sure now that my phpMyAdmin doesn't read the at all.

Every lines I put in isn't readed at all…

I put the in /usr/share/phpMyAdmin

why phpmyadmin doesn't read that file?

Thanks. belongs in /etc/phpMyAdmin under CentOS 6 with epel rpm. Resolved.


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